Yes it's maltese gathering!! And it's for a week now but the picture's of gath just out few days after our gathering day. Plan to share it here as soon as I got the picture but... mom back to her world again -.-" Busy working and busy preparing her assignment. If I don't remind her to stop she won't let me touch her computer at all sigh... I wonder why people like mom need to study and work hard? They just like us.. free to do what we want to do no need to worry anything.. I once ask mom before and she said if she din work hard she can't give the best for me and if she din study hard she wont be able to pursue her dream. Her dream is my dream too! I realize that everything that she did is because of me. So pals, remember to say thanks and love to ur mom cuz I'm sure all of them is trying to give the best to u all. Love u mom
Now... let's shower u all with all piccies taken that day!

and these 2 fella is mickey and brain both stay together

Our shop angel called April. She's a long coat chihuahua with heart problem and used for breeding purpose before we got her T_T and if u guys looks carefully her black spot near the tail is actually a heart shape =] will take more picture of April when me n my mom go for work

From left to right :
Happy with owner, Mulan with owner, Tiffany with boss/owner, April with our boss lady, charlie with owner, Fautina with owner, Mikey with owner, me n of course my mom! *but I'm too busy checking who's stand next to me rather see through the camera =p*, mickey with owner, shiro with owner, Brain *mickey's bro* with our staff and lastly next to sofa is another shiro with owner
All picture credit on tag ^^