Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas '09!!

Merry Xmas '09!!
In this Christmas day, I have LOTS of things to say but it could take some times to finish my words. To made it short, in this Xmas day, I'm so thankful for Santa to allow me to met my human and be happy all the times =D

I will keep on prays hard for paws friend who are still looking for their 'forever' loving house and those who are in battle with some sickness. In this Xmas day, I hope any paws, be it those who had homes or not are spending their Christmas joyfully.

Before 2010 comes, let's remember all the happy and sad things that has happen over a year. Let's not forget all the bad things but keep it in our mind so that we could remember it and never made the same mistakes again.

Monday, December 14, 2009


As I promised.... MORE picturessss on our 'family' gathering~~

exposed more of the Japanese Restaurant which we're allowed to play around and have fun..

Their nice menu~~

Food which I'm not allowed to eat T~T

but... I can't resist the temptation to try!! So I took a sip but mom caught me!!

next... can this be 'group' pic?

and here's our individual pic..
First is Mika girl

Soso, my sister.. she did look alike me rite???

This is.... Zeus or Eva? uhh... I still can't differentiate both of them..

But I know this is You you, our 'ancient' grandma =D

and of course my friend, Winter

Here's Angel..

and her son, Gabriel

still got few more single shots of me and the lovely boss who feed us some food!!
Gonna save it for next post =D

pssstttt, I'm spending my christmas and new year eve with Archie boy!! Anyone remember him? well.. I'll show you on the next post! tee-hee

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

'Family' Outing

It's been few months I was 'cage' in the house because mom was busy preparing her exam and now? it's my turn to have fun!!

Last Sunday, both me and mom went to our 'family' maltese gathering at Japanese Restaurant. It's a good place because they allowed us, paws to have fun with our moms n dad! When mom told me bout this outing few days before, I can't wait to go out and meet my friends!! I've been staying home and became good gal for few months and its my time to have fun now.

On that day, I met my sister!! yeah, my real sister.. she just turn 6 months I think? she's younger than me and we both look alike!! will introduce her to you guys later. Also, my grandma came with her mom n dad too! but ehrm.. she's not so fond of me so we dont really get along together -.-"

Here are some pictures of the place we went

and attendees are..

the oldest called You You, who's turning 9 on dec 6 later
my grandma, Tiffany pose on top of the table
the tiniest pup that I ever met, Abigail
this one... I forgot who is this.. =p
Zeus [back] n Eva [in front]
and here's my sister. Do we look alike?

Will post more pictures later once Winter's dad finish editing the pictures. Will post pic that me and my sis took together =]

and speaking of which.. today I'm gonna have sleepover day with Winter till Sunday. Mom said she got part time job to do. I beg her not to leave me but she said I'm gonna have fun time together with Winter and so I just obey her..

Here's my stuff that mom prepare for my sleepover

from top : grooming kits, treats, my toys, will add on my food later

can you see how sad my face is? I'm still begging her thou I know she can't cancel her work...

Well.. let's hope I have fun staying with Winter!

Monday, November 9, 2009

New layout for the year!

tee-hee *grins*

Yesterday, 8th November, is mommy's bdae... she was so in a GOOD mood and present me with this cute layout. I was surprise at first, because she was suppose to study for her coming exam but today.. surprisingly she was having a good mood~~

She said "It's time to hunt!" and then within times, she had changed and show me this awesome layout =D
For those who don't know, mommy like multimedia so much but unfortunately she had to take business course to fulfills grandpa and grandma wish.. so she kinda struggles in times [I do know how hard she fight with the course]. She told me, since she can't afford to pursue her interest, what she can do it learn by herself and experience it. So, this is why I often lend my blog to be her 'experiment' as I know how much she like these stuff.

Before I forgot, I did promised to give you guys see my new looks right?

Here you go...

It doesn't look much different on the pic but it did became shorter. Mom says I looks more pretty with this hair cut but I can't seem to agree with that thou....
What do you guys think huh? more picture on the next post and will try to get a closer pic =]

Lastly, I know it's already passed but, Happy Birthday mom!! Thanks for everything and love you lotss!! *chuu*

Saturday, October 31, 2009

For Mango

This post contains lots of piccies for my brother Mango *kiss*
He said he wanna see me wearing the clothes that he bought for me and tada! here am I!!
I plan to wore it on my bdae that time.. but I'm too messy so the next day mommy got me into the water and made me 'clean' to take a pic wearing the cute cloths Mango sent. But...... I struggle so much which end up I look messy instead of 'after shower' T~T

I'm gonna miss this pic... gonna miss the 'old' me T~T
Will post up new update in few days to let u guys know why I'm gonna miss this post huhuhu