As I promised.... MORE picturessss on our 'family' gathering~~
exposed more of the Japanese Restaurant which we're allowed to play around and have fun..

Their nice menu~~

Food which I'm not allowed to eat T~T

but... I can't resist the temptation to try!! So I took a sip but mom caught me!!

next... can this be 'group' pic?

and here's our individual pic..
First is Mika girl

Soso, my sister.. she did look alike me rite???

This is.... Zeus or Eva? uhh... I still can't differentiate both of them..

But I know this is You you, our 'ancient' grandma =D

and of course my friend, Winter
Here's Angel..
and her son, Gabriel

still got few more single shots of me and the lovely boss who feed us some food!!
Gonna save it for next post =D
pssstttt, I'm spending my christmas and new year eve with Archie boy!! Anyone remember him? well.. I'll show you on the next post! tee-hee
exposed more of the Japanese Restaurant which we're allowed to play around and have fun..

Their nice menu~~

Food which I'm not allowed to eat T~T

but... I can't resist the temptation to try!! So I took a sip but mom caught me!!

next... can this be 'group' pic?

and here's our individual pic..
First is Mika girl

This is.... Zeus or Eva? uhh... I still can't differentiate both of them..

But I know this is You you, our 'ancient' grandma =D

and of course my friend, Winter

still got few more single shots of me and the lovely boss who feed us some food!!
Gonna save it for next post =D
pssstttt, I'm spending my christmas and new year eve with Archie boy!! Anyone remember him? well.. I'll show you on the next post! tee-hee
How khool woo got to go to dinner again!
Mom is drooling!
We still can not get over the fact tht you guys can go on the tables!! and Archie says that Archie boy must be ALRIGHT with that fabulous name..Love A+A
Stopping by to bark you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... Happy Howlidays to you and your family!!
Huskee & Hershey
Hi pretty Autumn!
Wow, what a great party! And dogs can enter the restaurant? How dog friendly!
Happy Happy Holiday!
Hi Autumn,
Oh my! We loved looking through your family album. Thanks so much for sharing. You are all so beautiful! It was so nice to hear from you again.
Have a very Merry Holiday and a Happy New Year!
Riley and Star.
We're glad you stopped by JFF because we lost a number of blog links when we had computer problems.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Aw.. all you doggies look so cute.
Merry xmas to you
~ Bae
Autumn, we've missed you. We have to say you look fantastic!! :) So sorry for not being able to visiti you for a long time.
We enjoyed seeing all the cute & fun photos. Our humans returned from Japan not a long we hope to post some photos from there soon. Stay turn.
happy holidays!
Momo & Pinot
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