Holla~~~ it's me Jasmine the pretty! am I right? tee-hee
Yesterday, is what we hate the most! (bathing time). I do want to look pretty but sometime I don't understand why should we get our shower when we'll just get our-self dirty again in no time?
It's been 2 weeks now and I guess autumn are showing some improvement thou her skin condition has yet to recover fully. I can see some white hair are now flying around in our room and this is not supposed to happen. Her skin has start to peel-off and *hopefully* it wont turn into one serious skin problem cause we're going to visit vet this week.
as you can see, she looks different now and some bald spot or the skin problem cant be seen in this picture cause the coat it blocking it.
Mom also gave me a hair-cut cause she said I look like a mini-sheep with short legs and long coat -.-""
also not to forgot picture of the day for both of us :)

I hope this week vet's visit would give some nice report regarding autumn condition, at least some comfy for mom who is now starting her battle for her last year in Uni.
Jasmine and my cute sissy, autumn
Yesterday, is what we hate the most! (bathing time). I do want to look pretty but sometime I don't understand why should we get our shower when we'll just get our-self dirty again in no time?
It's been 2 weeks now and I guess autumn are showing some improvement thou her skin condition has yet to recover fully. I can see some white hair are now flying around in our room and this is not supposed to happen. Her skin has start to peel-off and *hopefully* it wont turn into one serious skin problem cause we're going to visit vet this week.
Mom also gave me a hair-cut cause she said I look like a mini-sheep with short legs and long coat -.-""
I hope this week vet's visit would give some nice report regarding autumn condition, at least some comfy for mom who is now starting her battle for her last year in Uni.
Jasmine and my cute sissy, autumn
Hey Autumn & Jasmine! Nice to see you guys again.
So sorry to hear about your skin issues, Jasmine. I hope you skin will heal nicely. I think you bot look very purdy after a nice trim & bath!
Both of you sure look very pretty! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Both of you look VERY pretty! Hope the skin condition gets better very soon.
Princess Kisses
Hi Girls! You both look BEAUTIFUL!
Hope Autumn's skin issues gets better soon!
Jasmine you bof look vewy bootiful wif youw clean white haiws and youw haiwcut. I am cwossing my paws that Autumn gets some welief and good news and youw mom can welax
smoochie kisses
Hi, Autumn and Jasmine. I love your names and what a pretty blog - almost as pretty as you, even when wet.
Sorry to hear about skin issues ...
it's common with little breeds, or so I hear. I had a tail skin issue a while back - ok now.
Wishing you the best!
You are both so very pretty, Jasmine and Autumn. We hope the skin problem gets better soon. Maybe your vet can prescribe something, it could be some sort of fungus or other skin condition that a simple dose of medicine would help a lot. Lots of luck.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That first picture is one sad lookin' pooch.
We're glad you got better. And you scrub up well.
XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
You certainly look good, my friends!
The two of you look so beautiful in that last picture!
Your blog looks so pretty and cheerful!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I am off to the groomer's this weekend, too. You look adorable!
Your pal, Pip
Hi, girls!
Bath time! I love it!
I hope everything goes well at the Vet!
Skin problems are not funny, right?
Take care
Kisses and hugs
You both look beautiful! We hope your skin condition gets better.:)
Teddy Bear
Oh dear, I hope Jasmine's skin is okay and the vet visit goes well. Mika has yeast problem so he has to take two medical baths which last for 1 1/2 hours twice a week but the baths help a lot.
I don't like bath either but I'm learning to like it because I am always pretty, fluffy, clean and fresh after that.
~ Eva
hihi miss jasmine!
awww, i'm sorry you had to get one of those icky bath thingies! i'm not a big fan of them either. my mama always says i should love baths cuz i'm a labradoggie, and labradoggies like the waters. well, i like goin' swimmies in waters, not standin' still and gettin' scrubbed and havin' soap go in my eyes and stuff!! BOL!
anywho, you sure do look pretty after your bath 'n trim! your furs look so shiny 'n glamorous. heehee! me and my big sis asa and mama will be thinkin' of your sissy autumn and hopin' that her skin starts feelin' the betterment soon. havin' the mega itchies is no funsies at all. :(
the booker man
Get well soon Autumn! I haven't had the chance to meet the both of you.... Hopefully the coming gathering we'll have a chance!
Love, Seraph
It's so hard to be a diva! It's a full time job that people just don't appreciate!!
I hope the skin issue clears up!
You girls are so lovely! We hope the skin issues clear up and that the vet visit goes well. My sister Nuka has a bald spot on her hip. Her long furs cover it but we are hoping with better nutrition and attention to her coat (she is our rescue girl from Florida)that we can fix the problem, too.
Bath and hair do and you both look terrific!! Although I hate the baths stuffs!!
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