Last weekend, mom bring us to Cutie Pet Fair which took place on Central Park, One Utama. It's been a while since the last outing to cherating and this time I'm so exited!! Mommy said, to make-up with the 'dull-and-bored' birthday, she will took us go to the fair as she's gonna be helping her friend to sell some dog cookies for the charity. It was a 2 days event and mom said she cant handle both of us and took care of the booth in 1 time so, she bring me on saturday and switch with Jasmine on sunday. I guess its fair huh?
I was so happy when car come fetch us go but the WEATHER is not FRIENDLY AT ALL!!!! The weather on Saturday was practically HOT HOT HOT HOT and HOT!!! I kept on drinking water and even lay down on the cooling-pack and it still very hot!! I'm gonna remind mom to bring a FAN to whatever event that held on outdoor -_-
Some sneak peak bout us on the event for now. More pictures will be post on the next entry!
Picture courtesy thanks to sasha's mom

One more thing to say... I guess mommy are more into Jasmine nowadays. She even enter Jasmine for the talent show and I'm the one who should enter the contest not her!! she only knew SIT command and came when mommy called. But I can do LOTS of tricks!! *grumps!
It's okay thou as Jasmine miraculously pass the 1st stage but failed at the 2nd stage when she got distracted while mommy called her. I hope after this, mommy will enter me to another contest instead of her!
Autumn & Jasmine